
What are the series circuit rules?

What are the series circuit rules? Anyone seeking to engage with a more electronics-oriented endeavor must familiarise themselves with the basics of electric circuits.

This is probably among the simplest circuits you are going to come across – viz the series circuit. But what are the rules for a series circuit? Understanding these rules would assist you in the design of and problem-solving on different electronic instruments and apparatus.

Following the series circuit rules is quite easy and in this article, you will understand every rule with a lot of ease.

What is a Series Circuit?

What are the series circuit rules?

What is a Series Circuit?

However, in welcoming the series of circuit rules, one must first know its basic definition. A series circuit on the other hand is a kind of circuit that allows electrical components to be placed in a series that is joined end to end in a continuous line.

This means the current flowing in each component is the same because there is only one channel for electrical currents.

A few examples of automobiles using series connections are string lights and Christmas tree lights characteristic of the 90s.

What are the Series Circuit Rules?

When one component has been put in a series circuit then one can predict the effect of the change made on the other components in the circuit. First of all, it is necessary to briefly recall the basic guidelines.

The current is the Same Throughout

The first rule that can be easily understood in the case of a series circuit is the fact that the current through every component is the same.

This rule results from the fact that there is normally only one channel for the current to pass through. Thus the current through each of the resistors that is connected in series is the same if there are three resistors in this circuit.


Consider a circuit with a battery and two loads connected in series. According to the circuit connection, if the battery has delivered 2 amperes current, the same 2 amperes current will flow through each of the resistors.

Voltage Divides Among Components

What are the series circuit rules?

Voltage Divides Among Components

In a series circuit, the total voltage supplied by the source is divided among the components of the circuit. The algebraic sum of voltage drops across all the components of the circuit will be equal to the voltage of the source of the power supply.


If one has a 12 V battery and two resistors connected in series, then we can take the case as follows. If the resistors are different, the voltage drop across them shall also be different.

Somebody, please complete this sentence… The total of these voltage drops will add up to, 12 volts.

The total resistance is the overall individual resistance

The total resistance in a series connection is the algebraic summation of the respective resistance of different components connecting in a Series.

That is to mean that, if there is an addition of more resistors within the circuit, then the resistance would be total.


If you have three resistors in series with resistances of 2 ohms, 3 ohms, and 5 ohms, the total resistance is simply 2 + 3 + 5 = 10 ohms.

Being a Device, Circuit Has Properties of Different Types of Devices: If One Component Fails, the Whole Circuit Fails

Series circuit or connection, if a single component is burnt out or removed, the flow of electrons is ceased. This is because the current has only one route through which it can travel, hence the name “single-phase”.


This is because in a Christmas light string if is wired in series then the entire circuit is open when one bulb blows.

Power Dissipation

The power dissipation in a series circuit will therefore depend on the resistance available in the circuit as well as the current passing through the circuit.


The power dissipated in each resistor in a series circuit can be determined by; P= I 2 R where I is the current, and R is the resistance.

How to Calculate Series Circuit Parameters

What are the series circuit rules?

How to Calculate Series Circuit Parameters

It is necessary to know how to calculate such parameters to make the most out of understanding the series circuit rules.

Calculating Total Resistance

To find the total resistance (R_total) in a series circuit, simply add up the resistance values of all the components:

Rtotal=R1+R2+R3+…+RnR_{\text{total}} = R_1 + R_2 + R_3 + \ldots + R_n

Calculating Voltage Drops

The voltage drop across a component (V) can be calculated using Ohm’s Law:

V=I×RV = I \times R

where II is the current through the circuit and RR is the resistance of the component.

Calculating Power Dissipation

To find the power dissipated by a component, use the formula:

P=I2×RP = I^2 \times R

where II is the current through the component and RR is its resistance.

It is therefore important not only for students to learn the various rules associated with series circuits because these rules are applicable in day-to-day life.

Christmas Lights

As highlighted earlier, the Christmas lights are usually connected segment by segment, or in other words end to end.

Understanding the series circuit rules when it comes to these lights assists in finding out why they have failed when they do not function.

Old Electrical Devices

Devices and appliances that are a bit old employ series circuits. Knowledge of these rules proves useful in repairing or renovating these gadgets.

Series Circuits in Education


It is very often when using educational kits and experimenting, simple electrical circuits such as series circuits are utilized as an introduction.

One of the crucial steps is the students’ command and the educators’ awareness of the series circuit rules.


What is the change in voltage if more resistors are added in series with other resistors? 

When connecting more resistors in a series the total quantity of resistance increases, making it such that the total amount of current, that flows through the connection, will be less, assuming that the voltage retains the same level.

Is it possible to use a series connection for high power? 

As for different types, series circuits are not suitable for use in high-power systems as it is possible to have quite a noticeable voltage drop, and the dissipation of power there is quite significant as well.

Parallel circuits are chosen for such applications more often compared to series circuits.

What is the difference between the series circuit and the parallel circuit? 

In series circuits, the current is the same through all the components but the voltage is divided between the components. In parallel circuits, the voltage is common to all elements in the circuit but the current is split.

Identify one major disadvantage of a series circuit of electrical components. 

The primary drawback of a series circuit is that if one of the components is defective, it halts the circuit. This can be a drawback in some applications especially those that are of great importance and require a high degree of reliability.

What are the steps that may be followed to rectify problems that prevail in a series circuit? 

To diagnose a series circuit, one has to examine every given part of it for its efficient flow. In case the above circuit is not operational, the next best thing to do is to inspect the connections and other discrete elements of the circuit for defects.


Thus, the rules for the series circuit are general and crucial for the study of electrical circuit functioning. Having an understanding.

that current is the same in both, the voltage splits across components or components of a circuit, resistances of the individual components add up, and the existence of a circuit renders null if one component fails to function effectively helps you in the process of circuit designing and troubleshooting.

If you deal with Christmas lights, old appliances, or educational projects, going through these rules will assist you in the sphere of electronics.

It is important to understand these series circuit rules as they not only serve as essential knowledge but also sharpen one’s ability in problem-solving in any electronic circuit.

Bear these principles in mind as you study series circuits and you will be in a good position to respond to any counts thrown at you.

My name is Bilal, I am an expert in the world of circuitry and electronics, where my passion for understanding and building electrical systems thrives. With an electrical engineering background, I navigate circuit sites with ease, constantly exploring new designs and technologies. My journey began with an interest in how things work, evolving into a career where I use my knowledge to innovate and solve complex problems.

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